
Important Notice to our Valued Customers

Since the passing of my beloved husband Joe, I have been working to make sure that we take good care of you and your website. With the help of an experienced software developer and friend, Woody Mendoza, we have created a partnership with another service-oriented web company. Second Site Design is joining with WordwrightWeb to maintain and then expand our web service.

The high points are that you will have more points of contact, and additional web services available. Some things will change, such as billing, but most things will remain the same. You will not need to do anything. Representatives of WordwrightWeb will reach out to you.

The company can be reached at Their office number is 910-452-6345. The owner, Michael Byrd, can be reached at 910-232-4084.

I thank you in advance for your patience as we work through a smooth transition. If you need anything, reach out to WordwrightWeb via email or phone.

And thank you also on behalf of Joe. To read his obituary and send your condolences please click below: